Visit to Kumamoto (Yamabe)
In October, I met up with Mr. Kamada in Kumamoto, who is the director of Lohiacorp Japan Training, a sending organization in India.
The first Indian trainees in Kumamoto Prefecture Yogendra san and Popat san learned Japanese language and manners and also got to have a dialogue with the governor of Kumamoto Prefecture because of Mr. Kamada’s high quality education.
The meeting with the governor became a hot topic inside the Kumamoto Prefectural Office, so this time we also got to meet more people in other departments in the office.
After the meeting, we went to the Takamoto Nosan in Tamana City where Yogendra san and Popat san was working.
It was a reunion of them and Mr. Kamada for the first time in about 1.5 years, so their eyes were alight with the happiness. He quietly told me that he is very proud of them, watching them working hard by keeping up their own motivation after caring them through video calls and chats from India.

A new trainee from India, Vishal san, will be assigned to the Takamoto Nosan soon.
Yogendra san is good at cooking and always friendly with anyone, and Popat san occasionally makes everyone laugh with his jokes.
They work hard at the farm from early in the morning, adapting to the different living environment from India.
With their leadership and teamwork, they will surely support the new Indian trainee. Keep up the good work!