More Jobs Better Lives Foundation


News Stories2022.08.12

Visit to Kumamoto (Katte)

Indian trainees supported by MJBL are working at a mini tomato farm in Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture. I visite…


Indian trainees visiting the governor of Kumamoto Prefecture

MJBL’s project in Kumamoto Prefecture is the “Grant Program for Farmers who train Technical Intern…


Training Program Started in Kumamoto

After One-month orientation training in Japan finished, and Indian trainees started working for Takamoto Nosan…


Indian Trainees Finally Arrived in Japan

In May 2022, three Indian trainees finally entered Japan. The entry date was postponed for 10 months due to th…


Technical Interns from India

We are planning on welcoming 3 technical interns from India in Kumamoto prefecture through our program (postpo…